The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) – Diocesan Council of Biloxi, MS - is a nonprofit, Catholic lay organization that provides temporary assistance for basic needs, assisting the housed and the homeless with dignity and compassion. We serve those in need within the parish boundaries of the twenty (20) conferences operating in the Diocese of Biloxi. SVDP assists those in need regardless of race, creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political affiliations.
Join your Catholic brothers and sisters as we encounter the living Jesus Christ, experience profound renewal, and are sent out on a mission for the life of the world.
At the National Eucharistic Congress, the Church will draw into a deeper intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord, allowing our eyes to be opened and our hearts to be set on fire with his love.
The whole Congress will be an experience of prayer: a liturgical act offering the Catholic Church—those in attendance in Indianapolis as well as across the country—to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. This reconsecration will result in a massive outpouring of grace and renewed missionary sending as participants are moved to share the Eucharistic love of the Lord “for the life of the world” (John 6:51).
The Eucharistic Revival
Ozanam Sunday
Ozanam Training
“Bread of Angels” is one of many titles of the Eucharist. It evokes the manna from heaven that God gave the Israelites in the desert. The prayers of the Mass direct our gaze to the presence of the angels at every Eucharistic Celebration. In the Preface the priest invites the faithful to join the angels in prayer: “And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts…” (Common Preface I). And in Eucharistic Prayer I, the priest prays these words, “In humble prayer we ask you, almighty God: command that these gifts be borne by the hands of your holy Angel to your altar on high...”
Just as for Moses and the Israelites, God’s providential care continues in the age of the Church through the Bread of Angels, the Eucharist, that nourishes us on our journey through history. Jesus gives himself to us as our true food for the daily journey of life.
(From the National Eucharistic Revival / article by Dr. Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.)
The beautiful annual Mass for the St. Vincent de Paul Society members was celebrated on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at Nativity Cathedral. Michael and Darlene Barry, Mary Frances Ford & Bill Migley (unable to attend, so Rob Greuling stood in for him) received The Vincentian Jubilarian Cross which is given to SVDP members who have spent 30 years or more serving the poor through the ministry of St. Vincent de Paul. These Vincentians have never counted the personal cost of extending their own hands, hearts, and resources to meet the needs of others. It is a good occasion when we can come together and celebrate those who serve with the humility and charity that we are called to.
Bishop Kihneman also presented a check for over $32,000.00 to the SVdP Pharmacy. These St. Vincent de Paul Societies here in the Diocese of Biloxi are simply AMAZING!
Ozanam Training
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall
2090 Pass Road, Biloxi, MS
Please RSVP to your Conference President
Sr Catherine Kelly, Spiritual Advisor for
the Archdiocesan Council of New Orleans
will be our Presenter
Your gift, financial or in-kind, can make a tremendous difference in the lives of people in
need here in Southern Mississippi. None of our good works would be possible without of
the support of people who share in the belief that a small act of kindness can make a
big difference in the life of someone in need.
Your Donation can be made here Online, directed to our Council or the Conference you
would like it to be received by: